DevOps 3.0
Where we are now and what we found out on the way
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Marcel Wolf
- Ops Guy
- Roles: Ops, Dev, Speaker
- IS24: ~ 1 1/2 Years
- Application Manager
- 4 Month as System Developer
Felix Sperling, @felixsperling
- a Developer
- past: embedded systems, low-level C/C++
- now: Java developer @ IS24
- 2 months in Ops
Felix Sperling, @felixsperling
- a Developer
- past: embedded systems, low-level C/C++
- now: Java developer @ IS24
- 2 months in Ops
Application Management team
- Interface between Dev and Ops
- new applications are made production-ready
Culture when starting DevOps
DevOps message:
Work together and talk to each other
prejudices hinder cooperation
Best way to overcome prejudices about a group
is to get to know someone of that group
DevOps things we do
It makes Devs better Devs
It makes Ops better Ops
Changing roles: now the Ops part
Why you want to work as System Developer?
Not enough work?
Do you want to hide from a project?
Now the hardest part, i have to ask the boss
cool just do it!
I don't want to slow down the team
Sacha Baron Cohen
The hardest part
strange question
one example: methods and mindsets
Management 1.0
hard to work together
we are flexible enough to handle that,
we are agile!
which kind of process do you need?
can we support you?
generated success - win!
„social complexity shows us that management is primarily about people and their relationship,
not about departments and profits“
one example: social complexity
how to work together
needed top down decisions
unfasten rules
tested vs. testdriven
"Individuals and interactions over processes and tools"
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